The Burbank Beat
Leadership Update
Jeff Jeanson, an experienced leader with 13 years of dedicated service as General Manager, has moved into the role of...
Manitoba Potato Harvest Nearing Finish Line
The Manitoba potato harvest is almost done with some farms expected to finish operations this week, the Oct. 6...
Driver Service Appreciation Award
A big congratulations goes to our driver Glen Bodie for his ten years of dedicated service. Glen has been with Burbank...
Burbank Express Supports Carman Fair
Burbank Express is a proud to supporter of the Carmen Fair in the Parade and demolition derby. Click to read more
Safe Work Certification
As of January 30, 2018 Burbank Express (2009) Ltd. was recognized by Trucking Industry Safety as a Safe Work Certified...
Burbank Express Gives $5K To Local YFC
Burbank Express a long time partner with the organization, Portage la Prairie’s Youth For Christ gave a large donation...
Burbank Express Supports Katie Cares Cottage
On December 9th, 2014, Katie Cares accepted a cheque from Jeff Jeanson, General Manager of Burbank Express. Burbank...